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Melinda Bennett19 Mar 2022 - 16:39
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Thanks to all

Great draw today against league champions Lansdown, another couple of goals for Lottie.
Thank you to everyone who has turned out to play for the club this season. Several new players have joined the teams and have fitted in as if they've been at the club for years! I know it has been a tough season for the 2nd team, but the experience will put you in good stead for the new season in a new division.
Many thanks to everyone who gives up their time to help run the club, whether it be umpiring , coaching, playing or supporting, without you there wouldn't be a club!!

A final reminder the end of season presentation is tomorrow at Christchurch Hall, Avenue Road 3pm -5pm. An opportunity for the whole club to get together and celebrate a season of great hockey, after a disrupted couple of seasons

Ps training continues until April 5th/6th!

Further reading