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GMS league registration

GMS league registration

Melinda Bennett10 Jan 2022 - 07:25
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League players need to register with GMS or will not be eligible for matches!

EVERYONE WHO PLAYS LEAGUE HOCKEY NEEDS TO REGISTER ASAP! Any problems speak to me at training and I'll try and help!

England Hockey have requested that everyone sign up to their new GMS. This should be a fairly painless process IF you follow the guidance below:

1. Navigate to (please do not search for GMS via Google as that will probably take you to the wrong page)
2. Select Register
a) If you are an U18, then your PARENT/GUARDIAN must register first. Select Parent from the options, and provide YOUR details (not your child's).
b) If you are Over 18, you can register yourself - please select PLAYER.

Note, if you are parent who is a PLAYER, then still select PARENT.

4. Enter your email, and press the relevant button - you should receive a Verification Code within a couple of minutes. If you do not then it is likely your email is blocking the system email from coming through, so please make sure you add to either your Safe Senders list, or your address book, and this should then enable the emails to be received.
5. Once you have received the code MANUALLY TYPE it into the web browser where prompted (do NOT copy and paste, even if you are told to do so). Press the Proceed button.
6. Fill in the relevant fields and Proceed again - do NOT allow your browser to auto-fill any fields as the system does not like that - please manually type in every entry.
PLEASE double check your Date of Birth and the spelling of your name as it is very difficult to get this amended if you make a mistake.
7. If you are a PLAYER only, then you are done at this point. If you are a PARENT, then you will then be prompted to add your Child (or children). Follow the "Add Dependent" prompt, and then you should be done.

If you need more guidance, or want to know more about the GMS - please visit the England Hockey website -


Further reading